
It's time to lose your mind and let the crazy out.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Confucious Says:

Saturday night John and I went to Pho Grand. The food was way different than I expected. I had eggs rolls, so that is similar to Chinese, but we both ordered soup because there were like 20 different soups on the menu and then we also ordered an entree. When we ordered the waiter said, "um, the soup is very big." Translation, "Holy Shit you have ordered a lot of food." This isn't the first time this has happened to us. In Miami we went to Pollo Tropical and placed our order. When we're faced with new unknown foods we order away. We're very brave like that. The lady behind the counter said, "um, you ordered three different kinds of beans."

In our neck of the city we have quite a few Vietnamese people. They do nails, they own restaurants, they own stores where they fix VCRs and rent Vietnamese videos, and there is a store very close to our house that sells lacquerware, whatever that is. There is one place that I find humorous, it's called Wei Hong Bakery and Barbeque. The next time I am hungry for muffins and ribs at the same time, I'll know where to go.

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