
It's time to lose your mind and let the crazy out.

Monday, January 17, 2005

May 24th

This morning I got to witness something unbelievably cool. I was invited to see Amanda and Joe's ultrasound of their baby.

I have been gathering information probably since I got married about having babies. I have asked every single one of my pregnant friends and women who have had babies to share details, share something, anything. They did what they could but my appetite was not curbed. Amanda could see me festering on the sidelines, and she has been so open about her pregnancy. It's not just anyone that would invite you to their ultrasound, it's very personal, and I was moved by her invitation.

Let me just tell you, it was so COOL! When John and I were on our honeymoon, we went snorkeling. It was our first time snorkeling. I remember putting on my life jacket, the goggles, the air breather thing, jumping in the water, putting my face in the water, and immediately bringing my head out of the water and exclaiming, "there's fish down there!" John politely informed me that most of my body was still in the water, where the fish were. That's the only thing I can think of to relate how I felt today, even though it was nothing like that. I mean, I know there's a baby in there. I know it's growing, I know it has a heartbeat, because I was invited to that doctor's appointment too. I just know, when the ultrasound lady put the thing on Amanda, there was all of a sudden a baby on the screen, and among us. I think we all stopped talking, and were captivated by this little tiny person swimming around so sweetly. She measured the head, the spine, the heartbeat, all sorts of positions and angles. We saw two of the tiniest feet, with the tiniest toes. She said the baby is about 7 inches long right now, the size of your hand. How wonderful. How crazy. Her due date is May 24th.

The most amazing part about all this is that they made this person. Two people made a third person, and that person has a personality and a journey. This third person could be President, or be the person next door, or whatever. No one knows what the world will be like after this person enters it. Can't wait to meet him or her.

So, to change position completely from Saturday night (you don't even want to know the positions I was in Saturday night) maybe my bumper sticker should read, "Make Wine, and Babies," or maybe, "Drink Wine, Make Babies."

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  • At 8:23 AM, January 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's awesome Elaine! What a cool experience. It was really great of Amanda and Joe to include you. I was wondering, is Amanda due in May or April?


  • At 9:21 AM, January 18, 2007, Blogger Elaine said…

    This was Louis' ultrasound, in Jan 2005. I'm pretty sure Amanda is due this time in April.


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