
It's time to lose your mind and let the crazy out.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Cold Hard Reason #1 Not to Have Kids

There are lots of reasons not to have kids, I'm not that excited about going through labor, or THE IV!, I'm not that into pastel baby clothes and diaper bags, John and I get along really well, and a baby will definently change our relationship, etc. Mostly, though, lately, I haven't been talking about not having babies. I have been talking and contimplating having babies. I am even taking prenatal vitamins, which is the first real step for me in this baby making journey. Last night I experienced something that set me back into "I don't want to be a mom" thoughts.

Let me preface this by saying I know a lot of you are going to think this is stupid, it has to do with a cat, not a baby. You can not compare raising a child to owning a cat. One of my favorite conversations with John's dad, David, was about just this. He had mentioned a time or two that he hates when people call their pets "baby," and call themselves "mommy" or "daddy." The next time we went down there, I mentioned that I thought this was o.k., and he went off, and got all fired up, and I just laughed because I had found one of his buttons. =) He is always trying to talk about stuff he knows we don't want to talk about, and I was happy to turn it back on him, just for once.

Last night John and I are sitting in the living room watching House, and Tony Danza peed in the fireplace. John saw him do it. So, I got up to catch him, and he jumped up into his favorite part of the cat tree, where I usually stand and scratch him and love on him. He didn't even know he did anything wrong. He thought I was going to give him attention. I picked him up, took him back to the fireplace, rubbed his nose in it, scolded him, yelled at him, slapped him a time or two (call Social Services) and he ran away. I went downstairs to switch the laundry, he was down there, and I yelled at him again, then I brought the laundry up, and unexpectedly started crying. John just stared at me. I was trying to tell him what I thought I was crying about, because it surprised me that I was crying too. Finally, I told him I was sad I had to scold him, because he didn't even know he did anything wrong. John said, that's why we have to help him see what he did wrong, so he doesn't do it again. I told him I don't want to be a mom. I don't want to be in this position ever again. It made me so sad.

I guess this is how parents who don't discipline their kids feel?


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