
It's time to lose your mind and let the crazy out.

Friday, April 01, 2005

"I Like Big Butts

and I can not lie." That's the song Tom sang to me on Tuesday when I babysat. I couldn't believe it, I thought it was so funny. He only knows the first line, which is good. I'm pretty sure 5 year old boys are not supposed to be able to recite that song, at least for another year or two. Hannah asked me if she thought one of her Little People was pretty. I said yes.

During dinner, Tom was telling a story, and in between every third word he says, "and Guess What?" John kept saying, "chickenbutt," which Tom ignored at first. Then Tom started rubbing John's arm, and his arm hair while he was telling his story. After about the tenth "chickenbutt" Tom told John that he said a bad word. I was laughing. Plus, Hannah says "plus, also" about a hundred times. Last time we visited, Hannah told me her favorite food was broccoli stems. These kids are so distembles (Hannah's made up spanish word meaning "silly.")


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