
It's time to lose your mind and let the crazy out.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I Remember When I Lost My Mind

I made this video for the Mommy Madness website, but I'm not exactly sure how to get it to show up over there, and it's possible I am so technically challenged I can't even seem to properly email the IT guy to ask what I'm doing wrong over there. I do know how to post it over here, and so I will.

Becky steals the show much like Neil Patrick Harris steals the show on How I Met Your Mother.

Had the sunroof open today in that car, so awe-wait-for-it---some. =)

Have you test driven the Chevy Equinox or Traverse yet? What do you think? Did you get your free massage? Again, awesome. Totally off subject, but have you heard that new John Mayer song, "Who Says?" It's very Simon and Garfunkel-y. Awesome. (last one of the day, I promise.)

One last thing, can anyone recommend an inexpensive (read free) video editing software? I have this great idea for a video for the car, but need the video to be in fast forward.

Oh, maybe one more thing, Mike, I need you to talk to John about another video that I want to do to promote the car that he won't agree to. Tell him whatever it is, you won't laugh. =)

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  • At 8:21 PM, October 25, 2009, Blogger Megan said…

    Hey Elaine,

    Did you get the email from him in which he told us to set up a free account on vimeo.com? From there you join the "Mommy Madness" group and add your uploaded video to the group. The administrator will add it officially after you get it up there.

    Does that make sense? I can email you more specific directions if that would help...


  • At 9:06 PM, October 25, 2009, Blogger happylaney said…


    Thanks for the help. I did all that, I can't seem to find a St Louis group, just DFW, Houston and KC. Which group do I join?

  • At 9:59 PM, October 25, 2009, Blogger Megan said…

    I don't know if this link will take you there or not, but you can try: http://vimeo.com/groups/25444

    It is called "Mommy Madness St. Louis"

    Sorry you are having trouble with it.

    Also, if you operate on a Mac, you should have iMovie on your computer and the '09 version will fast forward clips. If you are on a PC, well, I have no idea. :)

  • At 5:27 PM, November 10, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i love doogie!!!!!
    becky :)


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