Time for more advice seeking. All sorts of things are supposed to change once she turns one, and I'm wondering how it all works exactly.
Like the formula for example. We are almost out of formula and she is now 11 and a half months. Do we buy more because she's not officially one or do we buy more until she has her one year checkup and the doctor gives his o.k.? If it's ok to switch now, do we do it all at once, or give her formula and milk for a day or two and then straight milk? When she starts getting milk all the time, do I need to pay a whole lot more attention to her fruit and vegetable intake since she might be getting less vitamins and minerals? Is it worth the money for the organic milk? She drinks the formula warm. Do I have to warm up the milk? Is that safe?
Then there's the sippy cup. I think we won't have a problem with that, we have a couple and she does o.k. with them. Melissa said she switched to milk and a sippy cup at the same time. Is this what everyone does? Do you do this on her first birthday or the day after? Also the sippy cups have numbers on them. So far I have bought number 3. Will she graduate to something else in the sippy cup world? I bought an insulated sippy cup, how well do these work?
Then there's all sorts of food she could possibly eat now. She can all of a sudden magically at one eat honey and citrus and egg whites and peanut butter?
More questions about the crib. Can she sleep with a blanket now? What about a stuffed animal or glow worm? When do I put the crib bumper back on?
One last question about the car seat. They suggest if you can to keep the baby facing backwards for as long as possible. Does anyone keep their baby facing backward after they turn one? Anyone suggest a good car seat to purchase? Does everyone buy two; one for the mom's car and one for the dad's car?
I thank you in advance for any and all comments and suggestions.
Labels: sweet child o'mine